Friday, July 07, 2006

Grumpy one day elated the next

Some days I am Mother Earth. The small boy is Johnny Depp in waiting and I am all but rehearsing my sashay up the red carpet at the Oscars with my Academy award nominee. On other occasions I look at my two year old when he is "destruction mode" and think juvenile hall awaits. Is this normal?

How can you be so full of gratitude for your loving husband and child one day and want to run away to Jamaica the next? (Today I would settle for a caravan in the West of Ireland but I digress).

You know you have a toddler when your eyebrows look like caterpillars on your face. When your super glamorous sister gets her hair done more in a month than you do all year. (That isn't a joke she really does!) When sitting through hours of evidence at a court case for work is actually considered a break. When your handbag no longer contains a hairbrush and makeup but small toys, books, baby wipes and photographs. (Oh, did I forget the utility bills you meant to pay last month?!)

It is the just the trying to keep up that gets me down at times. Much as I love my small boy he is a full time job. I suppose my biggest mistake is setting my standards too high. I was never Bree on Desperate Housewives vis a vis domesticity so I am hardly going to start now when I have a toddler in tow.

Even in the pre baby days I still never managed to wear make up every day. I wasn't perfectly coiffeured. I have never had tidy hair. I don't know how to use an eye pencil. Putting on make up was never my thing. So did I really think I was going to suddenly start turning in to a supermodel when I had a baby?!!! I mean really.....what sort of insanity is that?

As for work well I used to love my job. Now it is a conflict of interest. Torn between two lovers as that corny song goes.

Boy am I sick of my whining. Think of all those women on IVF...the silent thousands who would love to step right in to my insanity. I have a beautiful son. I love my husband dearly. I just wish I could appreciate it all more.


Blogger Jenny said...

It's when they hold your face in their tiny hands and look deeply and innocently into your eyes and most lovingly announce "I got poo Mom" that makes it worth it.

2:27 PM  
Blogger cara said...

Tonight Alex 'stole' some of Mommy's bread and when i asked for it back he ran away...then he came back and said 'you have it Mommy Olivia' which was really sweet.

3:44 PM  

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