Friday, July 14, 2006

Opt out day

Being self employed means that you can take the occasional 'opt out' day without feeling too much in the way of guilt. This morning I was absolutely wrecked. My two year old spent much of yesterday hopping off the sink. He took the slide apart. His nappy leaked and I had to give him two baths in a day. It was 24 hours of craziness. He is as cute as hell but it can be tiring trying to prevent him from killing himself.

I have also had a few busy work weeks. This morning when it was time to get up I just couldn't get out of the bed. I threw myself in front of the computer but just didn't have the energy to work. That is when I decided an emergency opt out of work card was needed.

I called one of the other freelancers who was able to cover my shift with the Irish Times today and I went back under the duvet. My husband who is off today got Alex ready and brought him to the park. It is now lunchtime and I am getting up to have a bath.

I have started a new thriller called "The Righteous Men" by Sam Bourne and it is proving to be a page turner. I plan to do next to nothing today beyond helping out with my son and reading him the odd book or two.

I don't feel guilty. Ok just a teeny bit. Even though I am not getting paid today there is a little voice in my brain saying "You could have made are not sick." No just plain tired. As if that wasn't enough.

But the rational side of me says that I needed today. As mothers we go around like headless chickens trying to keep up with life. Every now and then you need to take a step back for the sake of your sanity.

You know you need an 'opt out day' when your hair hasn't been cut in three months (check), when your skin looks like crap (check) your joints feel achy and you are totally overwhelmed by life.

As I type this I just noticed a big cobweb on the ceiling in my computer room. How long has that been there? I know it sounds silly but when I am working I am too busy to notice these things. Sometimes you need time off work to spot the cobwebs and to tend to your soul. To be selfish...just this once! Normal service resumes tomorrow.


Blogger momsmusings said...

Oh, I understand totally. Although I do not work outside the home, I sometimes feel like I just need to spend a day in bed!! But, alas, I cannot most of the time, so I am trying to find a comfortable medium instead! It is good to take a day when you can...good for you!

7:17 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

I'm finally getting a hair cut on Sunday. I can hardly wait to have one hour of uninterupted chat with my friend KTJ while she works the scissors.

8:02 AM  

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