Friday, July 28, 2006

Glasses on a two year old

My little two and half year old son needs to wear glasses. We found out today. I know in the grand scheme of things this is nothing much. It isn't some major disorder. But I feel pretty sad about it.

We noticed that he was blinking an awful lot and decided to get it checked out. Our local optometrists recommended a particular consultant and Alex went for his appointment today with his Daddy. I was working this morning so I waited by the phone to see what was going to happen.

Now, to be honest I really didn't envisage him having to wear glasses as the outcome. I thought it was a little habit that he was going to grow out of. So when my husband called to say that he needed glasses I was a bit taken aback.

I think my initial tears stemmed out of this feeling of wanting everything in life to be perfect for him. I had a few minutes of imagining him at six in the schoolyard being bullied by other boys for being "Mr Four Eyes." He was going to be the kid never picked for the school team etc.

You want so much for your children that even the slightest setback breaks your heart. Silly isn't it?

Anyway, I skipped out of work early and we went to the local opticians to buy his new glasses. He tried on about ten pairs before we could find a small enough pair. He was bouncing off the walls after the kindly optometrist gave him a lollipop. I joked about having my own little Clark Kent around the place.

I have all but moved on from the 'poor baby' scenario to actually wondering how we are going to get him to wear the glasses. He has to wear them all the time if there is to be any hope of correcting his vision. We are due to return to the consultant in six months time to see if it has helped in any way.

Now Alex much as I love him is a child who can't sit still for two minutes. He pretty much refuses to wear hats. Getting a diaper on is like mediating with a dictator. Glasses twenty four seven. Wish me luck!

*Hope this post doesn't come across as being very trivial. I know it is stupid to be upset. Children are born all the time with weird diseases and genetic disorders and here I am crying about my son wearing glasses. It is just that he is so small. Such a tiny thing.

** Needless to say the poor vision comes from my side of the family. Roll on the lousy teeth and we can blame all his problems on me. Thanks Mom!!!


Blogger Jenny said...

Between Dan and I both we're pretty sure Ella will need glasses and braces on her teeth. The eye doctor told me Ella needed to be old enough to read the chart... How did they test Alex? Maybe I should call another doctor. It breaks my heart to think Ella may be walking around looking at the world in a fuzz.

11:11 AM  
Blogger BoomBoom said...

They have a machine that will test the eyes without having to read anyting, it gives your prescription on a printout.

11:25 AM  

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